Wednesday, September 3, 2008

29 Days in Ardabil

Kazem, Nir

wonderer of Nir



Pears of Sheikh Safi, and Mr.Sabouri

Hamed and Atri and Shahidgah

New dome for SKSC

Hamed in Chini-Khana

Late dinner after a session from 7 pm to 1 am.

left: Dr.Talebin(architect,superwiser), Mr.Imani(conserver and restorator of historic buildings and fabrics,adviser, great shangool), Mr.Yazdani(repairer and conserver of master works), Mr.Yousefi(archeologist) right: Mr.Moheb ali(conserver and restorator of historic buildings and fabrics) , Mr.Nedai(director of SKSC from ICCHO), Mr.Beza'at(driver)

At Work!

In a hot Agusut!

Waiting for the key

Ice pack party, and remember: when Atri Purpost to do something, she will! ;D

Dizi party after eating chicken for two weeks

A picture for a lost cup



Hard workers, hotel lobby, 11 pm, beside a wedding party!

Weekend, barbecue in the forests

Shangool khan photogarphy

Feels good, feels bad!

We were so KHAFAN, and discussed about very important things, also in public spaces

Walking toward forest, somewhere between Ardabil and Astara

Our activity from 9 am to 8 pm for 25 days, base of SKSC, nice place for a nice job with nice people
